Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Where Do I Live?

Yesterday, I went to Lille with Margaux and her best friends. It was a lot of fun! We ended up getting some very French food, made out of bread and chocolate! It also had some raisins in it, and normally I hate raisins, but the whole thing was delicious! After we went to a store that sold funny gifts. Then, to this really old church that had been remodeled after WWI - I think. They invited me to go with them to this big party, next week, that happens throughout the whole city. Which I am really excited for! Then, came the really hard part... I would have to take the train home. So Margaux explained to me that she was going to call my host mom and have her pick me up at the train station; but Margaux forgot my host mom's number in the car - that was with her mom! So, I was met by Margaux's dad, who took me to their house, and then to my town. But we got lost, so my host mom had to come get me! It was a very long and confusing day. Plus, my mom didn't know that I would be taking the train home, so when she found out, she thought I would be nervous about it. Which I was.

It only took me 6 days to look like a French girl, and with some phrases - I even sound like one! Margaux's dad only knew it was me because I looked lost, and a guy in the train station kept asking me for directions, until I told him I was an American! I am so proud of myself! :D


Anonymous said...

Who is Margaux? How is she connected to your host family? BTW, the pictures in the church are beautiful (as are you, of course).

Congratulations on your first train ride. I think the trains in Europe are fantastic. I wish we used them more here. :-(

Anonymous said...

BTW, you do know that your host mom's number is on the small card we made with important numbers and addresses, right? It should be in your wallet.

lexi said...

Margaux was an exchange student to America last year, but I didn't know her then. Yeah, I know now... but I wasn't with Margaux when she rememberd she'd forgotten my host mom's number, I was already on the train!

Jennifer said...

What an adventure Alexa! Alyssa and Evan A are finally in Argentina, having spent their first nights with their host families. How is school in France? Keep having fun and posting about it. We appreciate hearing from you guys!

C.Mercurio said...

good job in learning more French.sounds like ur having loads of fun, hows school there?

C.Mercurio said...

BTW its rocky in case u forgot my real name.