Saturday, August 30, 2008

France: A Musical In Fast Forward

I had a meeting at my school today, to meet the President and other exchange students who will be going to my school. I had no idea what the President was saying, so everyone laughed at me! After, we went to pick up Sarah's best friend and went swimming. I had a great time! We swam and used the sauna. After, Sarah had a little party with her best friends. One of them was just dumped by her boyfriend - on the phone, at Sarah's party. It felt like middle school all over again! LOL I read to them from one of the books I bought earlier and they didn't laugh! Which was nice, because I am trying really hard to learn French and I feel bad when I am laughed at. We also played Twister, and I was able to work on some French. I had fun, but I couldn't say anything because I had no idea what they were saying! They were talking so fast that it sounded like the movie/musical, Moulin Rouge, in fast forward! It was really funny!

Friday, August 29, 2008

"Shop Till You Drop!"

Today, we went shopping! I ended up spending about $550 on: four shirts, two vests, one leather jacket, nail polish, waterproof mascara, a pair of shoes, and a book bag for school! I was so tired by the end of the day! Also, I felt very special because people were telling my host mom how beautiful I was! :D I also went to my school, Lycèe St. Paul, to get my books for school. I am taking (in french):
1. Français
2. Mathematiques
3. Histoire
4. Geographie
5. Anglais - which should be really easy for me! LOL
6. Espagnol
7. Economie
8. S.V.T 6 - which is all of our American science classes put together

Day 2: Showers, Machines And Music

Well, I took my first shower in France - and man, I am going to miss American showers! Unlike American showers, the whole point is to get clean fast, not get clean and take an hour doing it! I also used my debit card to get some Euros from the bank's machine. While learning that unless you grab your card and money fast, the machine will eat it! I am so glad Sarah and her mom were there, because they were able to grab my money before I lost it. Later that day, I meet Sarah's best friend, who is very nice! We played Twister and sang along to some songs! American music is really popular here, it's about all I hear, at home and at stores. After dinner, we watched a famous French film that was really funny. Steedo, their dog, finally likes me. He will come and sit with me, when I read. He is super sweet!

P.S. I also met their cat, who doesn't like anyone.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My First Day In France

The airplane arrived earlier than it was supposed to, which was great because I wasn't able to fall asleep on the 8 hour flight. After the plane landed, I managed to get lost in the airport and because I was so tired I almost started to cry. After, I finally found my way to Baggage (I had to take a train there) where I was able to find Mr. Polvèche - he is the Rotary's district president. I ended up helping him find two other Rotary exchange students, but was starting to feel so sick that Mr. Polvèche had his friend take me to Mr. Polvèche's house (which is very beautiful). This is where I took my 5 hour nap. Finally, my host family picked me up, but I still didn't have my bags, because they were in Mr. Polvèche's other car! I went to my new house and met this crazy dog! Sarah, my host sister, thinks that he will learn to like me after a couple of days. I went back to Mr. Polvèche's house to get my bags, where I met another exchange student! She is really nice, and we go to the same school! Finally, I went back to my new home and finished unpacking with Sarah, who was dying to look at my clothes. Sarah is really helpful, because she knows English! Also, she wrote some words on a board for me to memorize, which is very helpful! After, we ate dinner, and went to bed. Sarah gave me some candy called les Betises de Cambrai, which is really good. And it also makes a great midnight snack!