Sarah and I just got back from seeing "Holiday on Ice" in Lille. It was so breathtaking that I ended up buying the DVD and CD!
PHOTOS: The first picture, I took and the second, Sarah took from where we were sitting! :D
This blog is dedicated to my 2008-09 Rotary Youth Exchange assignment as a student ambassador to France.
This looks beautiful. I love the stunning flower outfits.
Sierra didn't get into OSF, but she does have a meeting with an agent today. I'll let you know how that goes.
She told me that she has an agent now! How did that happen!? :D
Daddy dropped off her latest picture (by the demolished car) and they contacted him and asked her to come in. The agency director met with her and took some quick pictures... then had us sign a contract. Now, her resume has their contact information. The agency has placed a couple of kids recently in some TV series, so we'll see how it goes. She also has an audition for Little Women at OSW this weekend.
Oh that is so cool! I can't wait till I can watch her on T.V.! :D
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